Friday, February 9, 2007

The Kosher Top 10

Top Ten Ways To Know the Guy your daughter brought home for the
Passover Seder isn't gonna work out...

10. Hides the afikomen in his pants

9. Won't stop asking when the Latkas are going to be served

8. When welcoming Elijah he checks the chimney

7. After fourth time calling your wife "Ma' Nishtana" still hopes to get a laugh

6. In return for the Afikomen, he asks to see your Tax Returns

5. To comply with the Hagadah, he punches the person who reads the "Wicked Son" in the mouth

4. You are at the third cup of wine, he's on number 9

3. After the afikomen is stolen, he starts pocketing silverware

2. When everyone points to the Marror, he points directly at you

1. As a gift, he brings fresh baked Challah

<-- Return to Jewish Jokes

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